Travelling from Heathrow to London is nowadays easy thanks to the various vehicles and services established in the airport and its surrounding. You can select which type of service you prefer on your next travel to London from Heathrow. You can decide to travel on a train, bus or even hire a car. One of the advantages of using these means of transport is that your luggages are taken care of and you do not need to worry about them. There is no anymore waiting for long in the queue for a taxi hence making it more convenient.

Several ways to Travel from Heathrow to London

Heathrow Connect

Heathrow is a train service that travels from Heathrow to London and can be one of the best travelling options for the airport transfer. Its fare is less compared to the Heathrow Express however it travels at a slower speed than the Express. It takes half an hour to move from Heathrow to London where it stops at the London Paddington Station.

Heathrow Express

Heathrow Express is another train service which travels from Heathrow to London Paddington Station. One trip usually takes 15 minutes and is perhaps the quickest travelling option if you would like reach London instantly. It offers seasonal discounts and you can buy tickets directly from the train or book and buy the tickets using your mobile phone and the internet. Heathrow Express trains are very comfortable since they are fully equipped with free television, wireless networks, air conditioning as well as sufficient baggage space.


If you are travelling from Heathrow to London, you will get the National Express Coaches which offers you with several pickup points from all the 5 Heathrow airport terminals. The Coaches also offers travel connections between the airport terminals freely. It normally takes 75 minutes to travelling on a coach from Heathrow to London.

Local buses

There are also local buses transporting people from Heathrow to London. If you are staying in a hotel next to Victoria Station, the use of local buses may be the best choice for you. The buses always pick people from Heathrow Terminals 1, 2 and 3 while there is a free link to a train from airport terminals 4 and 5. Between 3-6 buses operates each hour and it is the less costly means of transport which only takes approximately 60 minutes to reach London. Other individuals can hack the moving bus while others cannot. If you are residing near Victoria Stations, then hacking a riding bus might be the perfect option for you.


If you are a group of three to four people, then the Heathrow Airport authorized London taxis may be the perfect choice. However you should not forget that you would require fitting some of your luggage in there also. The travelling fare varies depending on the location of your hotel. The main advantage of using taxis is that it is a door to door service with the only disadvantage is that you might be caught on traffic and wait on the jam for 60 minutes. Each terminal has properly managed taxi stands and the cabs are many so you would not waste time before you depart.

Hire a Car

Heathrow airport has car rental firms which hire cars to travelers at a specific cost. Most tourists prefer to hire a car for their travelling instead of using taxis or public transportation. This is due to the fact that they are able to easily move around when driving on their own without limitations. The latest technological development such as the use of the Global Positioning System has made driving to be like a breeze since all the tourist destinations and directions have all been programmed into the system. Therefore for an efficient and stress free ride you can hire a car from the car rental firms to move from Heathrow to London.

With the above 6 ways of travelling from Heathrow to London, you can be assured of your safety, convenience and punctuality as you move from Heathrow to London. Try one and you would feel the taste.

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